
  1import json
  2import mimetypes
  3import io
  4import os
  5from urllib3.fields import RequestField
  6from urllib.parse import quote
  8from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Union
  9from .serializer import Serializer
 10from .exceptions import PineconeApiValueError
 13class HeaderUtil:
 14    @staticmethod
 15    def select_header_content_type(content_types: List[str]) -> str:
 16        """Returns `Content-Type` based on an array of content_types provided.
 18        :param content_types: List of content-types.
 19        :return: Content-Type (e.g. application/json).
 20        """
 21        if not content_types:
 22            return "application/json"
 24        content_types = [x.lower() for x in content_types]
 26        if "application/json" in content_types or "*/*" in content_types:
 27            return "application/json"
 28        else:
 29            return content_types[0]
 31    @staticmethod
 32    def select_header_accept(accepts: List[str]) -> str:
 33        """Returns `Accept` based on an array of accepts provided.
 35        :param accepts: List of headers.
 36        :return: Accept (e.g. application/json).
 37        """
 38        if not accepts:
 39            return ""
 41        accepts = [x.lower() for x in accepts]
 43        if "application/json" in accepts:
 44            return "application/json"
 45        else:
 46            return ", ".join(accepts)
 48    @staticmethod
 49    def process_header_params(
 50        default_headers: Dict[str, str], header_params: Dict[str, str], collection_formats
 51    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
 52        header_params.update(default_headers)
 53        if header_params:
 54            sanitized_header_params: Dict[str, Any] = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(
 55                header_params
 56            )
 57            processed_header_params: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
 58                parameters_to_tuples(sanitized_header_params, collection_formats)
 59            )
 60        return processed_header_params
 62    @staticmethod
 63    def prepare_headers(headers_map: Dict[str, List[str]], params) -> None:
 64        """Mutates the params to set Accept and Content-Type headers."""
 65        accept_headers_list = headers_map["accept"]
 66        if accept_headers_list:
 67            params["header"]["Accept"] = HeaderUtil.select_header_accept(accept_headers_list)
 69        content_type_headers_list = headers_map["content_type"]
 70        if content_type_headers_list:
 71            header_list = HeaderUtil.select_header_content_type(content_type_headers_list)
 72            params["header"]["Content-Type"] = header_list
 75def process_query_params(query_params, collection_formats):
 76    if query_params:
 77        sanitized_query_params = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(query_params)
 78        processed_query_params = parameters_to_tuples(sanitized_query_params, collection_formats)
 79    else:
 80        processed_query_params = []
 82    return processed_query_params
 85def process_params(
 86    default_headers: Dict[str, str],
 87    header_params: Dict[str, Any],
 88    path_params: Dict[str, Any],
 89    collection_formats: Dict[str, str],
 91    # header parameters
 92    headers_tuple = HeaderUtil.process_header_params(
 93        default_headers, header_params, collection_formats
 94    )
 96    # path parameters
 97    sanitized_path_params: Dict[str, Any] = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params or {})
 98    path_parm: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = parameters_to_tuples(
 99        sanitized_path_params, collection_formats
100    )
102    return headers_tuple, path_parm, sanitized_path_params
105def parameters_to_multipart(params, collection_types):
106    """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting as json if value is collection_types
108    :param params: Parameters as list of two-tuples
109    :param dict collection_types: Parameter collection types
110    :return: Parameters as list of tuple or urllib3.fields.RequestField
111    """
112    new_params = []
113    if collection_types is None:
114        collection_types = dict
115    for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:  # noqa: E501
116        if isinstance(
117            v, collection_types
118        ):  # v is instance of collection_type, formatting as application/json
119            v = json.dumps(v, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
120            field = RequestField(k, v)
121            field.make_multipart(content_type="application/json; charset=utf-8")
122            new_params.append(field)
123        else:
124            new_params.append((k, v))
125    return new_params
128def files_parameters(files: Optional[Dict[str, List[io.IOBase]]] = None):
129    """Builds form parameters.
131    :param files: None or a dict with key=param_name and
132        value is a list of open file objects
133    :return: List of tuples of form parameters with file data
134    """
135    if files is None:
136        return []
138    params = []
139    for param_name, file_instances in files.items():
140        if file_instances is None:
141            # if the file field is nullable, skip None values
142            continue
143        for file_instance in file_instances:
144            if file_instance is None:
145                # if the file field is nullable, skip None values
146                continue
147            if file_instance.closed is True:
148                raise PineconeApiValueError(
149                    "Cannot read a closed file. The passed in file_type "
150                    "for %s must be open." % param_name
151                )
152            filename = os.path.basename(  # type: ignore
153            filedata = Serializer.get_file_data_and_close_file(file_instance)
154            mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
155            params.append(tuple([param_name, tuple([filename, filedata, mimetype])]))
157    return params
160def parameters_to_tuples(
161    params: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Tuple[str, Any]]],
162    collection_formats: Optional[Dict[str, str]],
163) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
164    """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.
166    :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
167    :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
168    :return: Parameters as list of tuples, collections formatted
169    """
170    new_params: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = []
171    if collection_formats is None:
172        collection_formats = {}
173    for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:  # noqa: E501
174        if k in collection_formats:
175            collection_format = collection_formats[k]
176            if collection_format == "multi":
177                new_params.extend((k, value) for value in v)
178            else:
179                if collection_format == "ssv":
180                    delimiter = " "
181                elif collection_format == "tsv":
182                    delimiter = "\t"
183                elif collection_format == "pipes":
184                    delimiter = "|"
185                else:  # csv is the default
186                    delimiter = ","
187                new_params.append((k, delimiter.join(str(value) for value in v)))
188        else:
189            new_params.append((k, v))
190    return new_params
193def build_request_url(config, processed_path_params, resource_path, _host):
194    for k, v in processed_path_params:
195        # specified safe chars, encode everything
196        resource_path = resource_path.replace(
197            "{%s}" % k, quote(str(v), safe=config.safe_chars_for_path_param)
198        )
200    # _host is a host override passed for an individual operation
201    host = _host if _host is not None else
203    return host + resource_path
class HeaderUtil:
14class HeaderUtil:
15    @staticmethod
16    def select_header_content_type(content_types: List[str]) -> str:
17        """Returns `Content-Type` based on an array of content_types provided.
19        :param content_types: List of content-types.
20        :return: Content-Type (e.g. application/json).
21        """
22        if not content_types:
23            return "application/json"
25        content_types = [x.lower() for x in content_types]
27        if "application/json" in content_types or "*/*" in content_types:
28            return "application/json"
29        else:
30            return content_types[0]
32    @staticmethod
33    def select_header_accept(accepts: List[str]) -> str:
34        """Returns `Accept` based on an array of accepts provided.
36        :param accepts: List of headers.
37        :return: Accept (e.g. application/json).
38        """
39        if not accepts:
40            return ""
42        accepts = [x.lower() for x in accepts]
44        if "application/json" in accepts:
45            return "application/json"
46        else:
47            return ", ".join(accepts)
49    @staticmethod
50    def process_header_params(
51        default_headers: Dict[str, str], header_params: Dict[str, str], collection_formats
52    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
53        header_params.update(default_headers)
54        if header_params:
55            sanitized_header_params: Dict[str, Any] = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(
56                header_params
57            )
58            processed_header_params: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
59                parameters_to_tuples(sanitized_header_params, collection_formats)
60            )
61        return processed_header_params
63    @staticmethod
64    def prepare_headers(headers_map: Dict[str, List[str]], params) -> None:
65        """Mutates the params to set Accept and Content-Type headers."""
66        accept_headers_list = headers_map["accept"]
67        if accept_headers_list:
68            params["header"]["Accept"] = HeaderUtil.select_header_accept(accept_headers_list)
70        content_type_headers_list = headers_map["content_type"]
71        if content_type_headers_list:
72            header_list = HeaderUtil.select_header_content_type(content_type_headers_list)
73            params["header"]["Content-Type"] = header_list
def select_header_content_type(content_types: List[str]) -> str:
15    @staticmethod
16    def select_header_content_type(content_types: List[str]) -> str:
17        """Returns `Content-Type` based on an array of content_types provided.
19        :param content_types: List of content-types.
20        :return: Content-Type (e.g. application/json).
21        """
22        if not content_types:
23            return "application/json"
25        content_types = [x.lower() for x in content_types]
27        if "application/json" in content_types or "*/*" in content_types:
28            return "application/json"
29        else:
30            return content_types[0]

Returns Content-Type based on an array of content_types provided.

  • content_types: List of content-types.

Content-Type (e.g. application/json).

def select_header_accept(accepts: List[str]) -> str:
32    @staticmethod
33    def select_header_accept(accepts: List[str]) -> str:
34        """Returns `Accept` based on an array of accepts provided.
36        :param accepts: List of headers.
37        :return: Accept (e.g. application/json).
38        """
39        if not accepts:
40            return ""
42        accepts = [x.lower() for x in accepts]
44        if "application/json" in accepts:
45            return "application/json"
46        else:
47            return ", ".join(accepts)

Returns Accept based on an array of accepts provided.

  • accepts: List of headers.

Accept (e.g. application/json).

def process_header_params( default_headers: Dict[str, str], header_params: Dict[str, str], collection_formats) -> Dict[str, Any]:
49    @staticmethod
50    def process_header_params(
51        default_headers: Dict[str, str], header_params: Dict[str, str], collection_formats
52    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
53        header_params.update(default_headers)
54        if header_params:
55            sanitized_header_params: Dict[str, Any] = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(
56                header_params
57            )
58            processed_header_params: Dict[str, Any] = dict(
59                parameters_to_tuples(sanitized_header_params, collection_formats)
60            )
61        return processed_header_params
def prepare_headers(headers_map: Dict[str, List[str]], params) -> None:
63    @staticmethod
64    def prepare_headers(headers_map: Dict[str, List[str]], params) -> None:
65        """Mutates the params to set Accept and Content-Type headers."""
66        accept_headers_list = headers_map["accept"]
67        if accept_headers_list:
68            params["header"]["Accept"] = HeaderUtil.select_header_accept(accept_headers_list)
70        content_type_headers_list = headers_map["content_type"]
71        if content_type_headers_list:
72            header_list = HeaderUtil.select_header_content_type(content_type_headers_list)
73            params["header"]["Content-Type"] = header_list

Mutates the params to set Accept and Content-Type headers.

def process_query_params(query_params, collection_formats):
76def process_query_params(query_params, collection_formats):
77    if query_params:
78        sanitized_query_params = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(query_params)
79        processed_query_params = parameters_to_tuples(sanitized_query_params, collection_formats)
80    else:
81        processed_query_params = []
83    return processed_query_params
def process_params( default_headers: Dict[str, str], header_params: Dict[str, Any], path_params: Dict[str, Any], collection_formats: Dict[str, str]):
 86def process_params(
 87    default_headers: Dict[str, str],
 88    header_params: Dict[str, Any],
 89    path_params: Dict[str, Any],
 90    collection_formats: Dict[str, str],
 92    # header parameters
 93    headers_tuple = HeaderUtil.process_header_params(
 94        default_headers, header_params, collection_formats
 95    )
 97    # path parameters
 98    sanitized_path_params: Dict[str, Any] = Serializer.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params or {})
 99    path_parm: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = parameters_to_tuples(
100        sanitized_path_params, collection_formats
101    )
103    return headers_tuple, path_parm, sanitized_path_params
def parameters_to_multipart(params, collection_types):
106def parameters_to_multipart(params, collection_types):
107    """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting as json if value is collection_types
109    :param params: Parameters as list of two-tuples
110    :param dict collection_types: Parameter collection types
111    :return: Parameters as list of tuple or urllib3.fields.RequestField
112    """
113    new_params = []
114    if collection_types is None:
115        collection_types = dict
116    for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:  # noqa: E501
117        if isinstance(
118            v, collection_types
119        ):  # v is instance of collection_type, formatting as application/json
120            v = json.dumps(v, ensure_ascii=False).encode("utf-8")
121            field = RequestField(k, v)
122            field.make_multipart(content_type="application/json; charset=utf-8")
123            new_params.append(field)
124        else:
125            new_params.append((k, v))
126    return new_params

Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting as json if value is collection_types

  • params: Parameters as list of two-tuples
  • dict collection_types: Parameter collection types

Parameters as list of tuple or urllib3.fields.RequestField

def files_parameters(files: Optional[Dict[str, List[io.IOBase]]] = None):
129def files_parameters(files: Optional[Dict[str, List[io.IOBase]]] = None):
130    """Builds form parameters.
132    :param files: None or a dict with key=param_name and
133        value is a list of open file objects
134    :return: List of tuples of form parameters with file data
135    """
136    if files is None:
137        return []
139    params = []
140    for param_name, file_instances in files.items():
141        if file_instances is None:
142            # if the file field is nullable, skip None values
143            continue
144        for file_instance in file_instances:
145            if file_instance is None:
146                # if the file field is nullable, skip None values
147                continue
148            if file_instance.closed is True:
149                raise PineconeApiValueError(
150                    "Cannot read a closed file. The passed in file_type "
151                    "for %s must be open." % param_name
152                )
153            filename = os.path.basename(  # type: ignore
154            filedata = Serializer.get_file_data_and_close_file(file_instance)
155            mimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] or "application/octet-stream"
156            params.append(tuple([param_name, tuple([filename, filedata, mimetype])]))
158    return params

Builds form parameters.

  • files: None or a dict with key=param_name and value is a list of open file objects

List of tuples of form parameters with file data

def parameters_to_tuples( params: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Tuple[str, Any]]], collection_formats: Optional[Dict[str, str]]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
161def parameters_to_tuples(
162    params: Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Tuple[str, Any]]],
163    collection_formats: Optional[Dict[str, str]],
164) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
165    """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.
167    :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
168    :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
169    :return: Parameters as list of tuples, collections formatted
170    """
171    new_params: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = []
172    if collection_formats is None:
173        collection_formats = {}
174    for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:  # noqa: E501
175        if k in collection_formats:
176            collection_format = collection_formats[k]
177            if collection_format == "multi":
178                new_params.extend((k, value) for value in v)
179            else:
180                if collection_format == "ssv":
181                    delimiter = " "
182                elif collection_format == "tsv":
183                    delimiter = "\t"
184                elif collection_format == "pipes":
185                    delimiter = "|"
186                else:  # csv is the default
187                    delimiter = ","
188                new_params.append((k, delimiter.join(str(value) for value in v)))
189        else:
190            new_params.append((k, v))
191    return new_params

Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.

  • params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
  • dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats

Parameters as list of tuples, collections formatted

def build_request_url(config, processed_path_params, resource_path, _host):
194def build_request_url(config, processed_path_params, resource_path, _host):
195    for k, v in processed_path_params:
196        # specified safe chars, encode everything
197        resource_path = resource_path.replace(
198            "{%s}" % k, quote(str(v), safe=config.safe_chars_for_path_param)
199        )
201    # _host is a host override passed for an individual operation
202    host = _host if _host is not None else
204    return host + resource_path