
  1from .model_utils import none_type
  2from .api_client_utils import HeaderUtil
  3from .endpoint_utils import EndpointUtils, ExtraOpenApiKwargsTypedDict
  6class AsyncioEndpoint(object):
  7    def __init__(
  8        self,
  9        settings=None,
 10        params_map=None,
 11        root_map=None,
 12        headers_map=None,
 13        api_client=None,
 14        callable=None,
 15    ) -> None:
 16        """Creates an endpoint
 18        Args:
 19            settings (dict): see below key value pairs
 20                'response_type' (tuple/None): response type
 21                'auth' (list): a list of auth type keys
 22                'endpoint_path' (str): the endpoint path
 23                'operation_id' (str): endpoint string identifier
 24                'http_method' (str): POST/PUT/PATCH/GET etc
 25                'servers' (list): list of str servers that this endpoint is at
 26            params_map (dict): see below key value pairs
 27                'all' (list): list of str endpoint parameter names
 28                'required' (list): list of required parameter names
 29                'nullable' (list): list of nullable parameter names
 30                'enum' (list): list of parameters with enum values
 31                'validation' (list): list of parameters with validations
 32            root_map
 33                'validations' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter tuple
 34                    paths to their validation dictionaries
 35                'allowed_values' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter
 36                    tuple paths to their allowed_values (enum) dictionaries
 37                'openapi_types' (dict): param_name to openapi type
 38                'attribute_map' (dict): param_name to camelCase name
 39                'location_map' (dict): param_name to  'body', 'file', 'form',
 40                    'header', 'path', 'query'
 41                collection_format_map (dict): param_name to `csv` etc.
 42            headers_map (dict): see below key value pairs
 43                'accept' (list): list of Accept header strings
 44                'content_type' (list): list of Content-Type header strings
 45            api_client (AsyncioApiClient) api client instance
 46            callable (function): the function which is invoked when the
 47                Endpoint is called
 48        """
 49        self.settings = settings
 50        self.params_map = params_map
 51        self.params_map["all"].extend(
 52            [
 53                "_preload_content",
 54                "_request_timeout",
 55                "_return_http_data_only",
 56                "_check_input_type",
 57                "_check_return_type",
 58            ]
 59        )
 60        self.params_map["nullable"].extend(["_request_timeout"])
 61        self.validations = root_map["validations"]
 62        self.allowed_values = root_map["allowed_values"]
 63        self.openapi_types = root_map["openapi_types"]
 64        extra_types = {
 65            "_preload_content": (bool,),
 66            "_request_timeout": (none_type, float, (float,), [float], int, (int,), [int]),
 67            "_return_http_data_only": (bool,),
 68            "_check_input_type": (bool,),
 69            "_check_return_type": (bool,),
 70        }
 71        self.openapi_types.update(extra_types)
 72        self.attribute_map = root_map["attribute_map"]
 73        self.location_map = root_map["location_map"]
 74        self.collection_format_map = root_map["collection_format_map"]
 75        self.headers_map = headers_map
 76        self.api_client = api_client
 77        self.callable = callable
 79    async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 80        """This method is invoked when endpoints are called
 81        Example:
 83        api_instance = InferenceApi()
 84        api_instance.embed  # this is an instance of the class Endpoint
 85        api_instance.embed()  # this invokes api_instance.embed.__call__()
 86        which then invokes the callable functions stored in that endpoint at
 87        api_instance.embed.callable or self.callable in this class
 89        """
 90        return await self.callable(self, *args, **kwargs)
 92    async def call_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):
 93        _host =
 95        EndpointUtils.raise_if_unexpected_param(
 96            params_map=self.params_map, settings=self.settings, kwargs=kwargs
 97        )
 99        EndpointUtils.raise_if_missing_required_params(
100            params_map=self.params_map, settings=self.settings, kwargs=kwargs
101        )
103        EndpointUtils.raise_if_invalid_inputs(
104            config=self.api_client.configuration,
105            params_map=self.params_map,
106            allowed_values=self.allowed_values,
107            validations=self.validations,
108            openapi_types=self.openapi_types,
109            kwargs=kwargs,
110        )
112        params = EndpointUtils.gather_params(
113            attribute_map=self.attribute_map,
114            location_map=self.location_map,
115            openapi_types=self.openapi_types,
116            collection_format_map=self.collection_format_map,
117            kwargs=kwargs,
118        )
120        HeaderUtil.prepare_headers(headers_map=self.headers_map, params=params)
122        return await self.api_client.call_api(
123            self.settings["endpoint_path"],
124            self.settings["http_method"],
125            params["path"],
126            params["query"],
127            params["header"],
128            body=params["body"],
129            post_params=params["form"],
130            files=params["file"],
131            response_type=self.settings["response_type"],
132            auth_settings=self.settings["auth"],
133            _check_type=kwargs["_check_return_type"],
134            _return_http_data_only=kwargs["_return_http_data_only"],
135            _preload_content=kwargs["_preload_content"],
136            _request_timeout=kwargs["_request_timeout"],
137            _host=_host,
138            collection_formats=params["collection_format"],
139        )
141    def _process_openapi_kwargs(
142        self, kwargs: ExtraOpenApiKwargsTypedDict
143    ) -> ExtraOpenApiKwargsTypedDict:
144        kwargs["_return_http_data_only"] = kwargs.get("_return_http_data_only", True)
145        kwargs["_preload_content"] = kwargs.get("_preload_content", True)
146        kwargs["_request_timeout"] = kwargs.get("_request_timeout", None)
147        kwargs["_check_input_type"] = kwargs.get("_check_input_type", True)
148        kwargs["_check_return_type"] = kwargs.get("_check_return_type", True)
149        return kwargs
class AsyncioEndpoint:
  7class AsyncioEndpoint(object):
  8    def __init__(
  9        self,
 10        settings=None,
 11        params_map=None,
 12        root_map=None,
 13        headers_map=None,
 14        api_client=None,
 15        callable=None,
 16    ) -> None:
 17        """Creates an endpoint
 19        Args:
 20            settings (dict): see below key value pairs
 21                'response_type' (tuple/None): response type
 22                'auth' (list): a list of auth type keys
 23                'endpoint_path' (str): the endpoint path
 24                'operation_id' (str): endpoint string identifier
 25                'http_method' (str): POST/PUT/PATCH/GET etc
 26                'servers' (list): list of str servers that this endpoint is at
 27            params_map (dict): see below key value pairs
 28                'all' (list): list of str endpoint parameter names
 29                'required' (list): list of required parameter names
 30                'nullable' (list): list of nullable parameter names
 31                'enum' (list): list of parameters with enum values
 32                'validation' (list): list of parameters with validations
 33            root_map
 34                'validations' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter tuple
 35                    paths to their validation dictionaries
 36                'allowed_values' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter
 37                    tuple paths to their allowed_values (enum) dictionaries
 38                'openapi_types' (dict): param_name to openapi type
 39                'attribute_map' (dict): param_name to camelCase name
 40                'location_map' (dict): param_name to  'body', 'file', 'form',
 41                    'header', 'path', 'query'
 42                collection_format_map (dict): param_name to `csv` etc.
 43            headers_map (dict): see below key value pairs
 44                'accept' (list): list of Accept header strings
 45                'content_type' (list): list of Content-Type header strings
 46            api_client (AsyncioApiClient) api client instance
 47            callable (function): the function which is invoked when the
 48                Endpoint is called
 49        """
 50        self.settings = settings
 51        self.params_map = params_map
 52        self.params_map["all"].extend(
 53            [
 54                "_preload_content",
 55                "_request_timeout",
 56                "_return_http_data_only",
 57                "_check_input_type",
 58                "_check_return_type",
 59            ]
 60        )
 61        self.params_map["nullable"].extend(["_request_timeout"])
 62        self.validations = root_map["validations"]
 63        self.allowed_values = root_map["allowed_values"]
 64        self.openapi_types = root_map["openapi_types"]
 65        extra_types = {
 66            "_preload_content": (bool,),
 67            "_request_timeout": (none_type, float, (float,), [float], int, (int,), [int]),
 68            "_return_http_data_only": (bool,),
 69            "_check_input_type": (bool,),
 70            "_check_return_type": (bool,),
 71        }
 72        self.openapi_types.update(extra_types)
 73        self.attribute_map = root_map["attribute_map"]
 74        self.location_map = root_map["location_map"]
 75        self.collection_format_map = root_map["collection_format_map"]
 76        self.headers_map = headers_map
 77        self.api_client = api_client
 78        self.callable = callable
 80    async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
 81        """This method is invoked when endpoints are called
 82        Example:
 84        api_instance = InferenceApi()
 85        api_instance.embed  # this is an instance of the class Endpoint
 86        api_instance.embed()  # this invokes api_instance.embed.__call__()
 87        which then invokes the callable functions stored in that endpoint at
 88        api_instance.embed.callable or self.callable in this class
 90        """
 91        return await self.callable(self, *args, **kwargs)
 93    async def call_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):
 94        _host =
 96        EndpointUtils.raise_if_unexpected_param(
 97            params_map=self.params_map, settings=self.settings, kwargs=kwargs
 98        )
100        EndpointUtils.raise_if_missing_required_params(
101            params_map=self.params_map, settings=self.settings, kwargs=kwargs
102        )
104        EndpointUtils.raise_if_invalid_inputs(
105            config=self.api_client.configuration,
106            params_map=self.params_map,
107            allowed_values=self.allowed_values,
108            validations=self.validations,
109            openapi_types=self.openapi_types,
110            kwargs=kwargs,
111        )
113        params = EndpointUtils.gather_params(
114            attribute_map=self.attribute_map,
115            location_map=self.location_map,
116            openapi_types=self.openapi_types,
117            collection_format_map=self.collection_format_map,
118            kwargs=kwargs,
119        )
121        HeaderUtil.prepare_headers(headers_map=self.headers_map, params=params)
123        return await self.api_client.call_api(
124            self.settings["endpoint_path"],
125            self.settings["http_method"],
126            params["path"],
127            params["query"],
128            params["header"],
129            body=params["body"],
130            post_params=params["form"],
131            files=params["file"],
132            response_type=self.settings["response_type"],
133            auth_settings=self.settings["auth"],
134            _check_type=kwargs["_check_return_type"],
135            _return_http_data_only=kwargs["_return_http_data_only"],
136            _preload_content=kwargs["_preload_content"],
137            _request_timeout=kwargs["_request_timeout"],
138            _host=_host,
139            collection_formats=params["collection_format"],
140        )
142    def _process_openapi_kwargs(
143        self, kwargs: ExtraOpenApiKwargsTypedDict
144    ) -> ExtraOpenApiKwargsTypedDict:
145        kwargs["_return_http_data_only"] = kwargs.get("_return_http_data_only", True)
146        kwargs["_preload_content"] = kwargs.get("_preload_content", True)
147        kwargs["_request_timeout"] = kwargs.get("_request_timeout", None)
148        kwargs["_check_input_type"] = kwargs.get("_check_input_type", True)
149        kwargs["_check_return_type"] = kwargs.get("_check_return_type", True)
150        return kwargs
AsyncioEndpoint( settings=None, params_map=None, root_map=None, headers_map=None, api_client=None, callable=None)
 8    def __init__(
 9        self,
10        settings=None,
11        params_map=None,
12        root_map=None,
13        headers_map=None,
14        api_client=None,
15        callable=None,
16    ) -> None:
17        """Creates an endpoint
19        Args:
20            settings (dict): see below key value pairs
21                'response_type' (tuple/None): response type
22                'auth' (list): a list of auth type keys
23                'endpoint_path' (str): the endpoint path
24                'operation_id' (str): endpoint string identifier
25                'http_method' (str): POST/PUT/PATCH/GET etc
26                'servers' (list): list of str servers that this endpoint is at
27            params_map (dict): see below key value pairs
28                'all' (list): list of str endpoint parameter names
29                'required' (list): list of required parameter names
30                'nullable' (list): list of nullable parameter names
31                'enum' (list): list of parameters with enum values
32                'validation' (list): list of parameters with validations
33            root_map
34                'validations' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter tuple
35                    paths to their validation dictionaries
36                'allowed_values' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter
37                    tuple paths to their allowed_values (enum) dictionaries
38                'openapi_types' (dict): param_name to openapi type
39                'attribute_map' (dict): param_name to camelCase name
40                'location_map' (dict): param_name to  'body', 'file', 'form',
41                    'header', 'path', 'query'
42                collection_format_map (dict): param_name to `csv` etc.
43            headers_map (dict): see below key value pairs
44                'accept' (list): list of Accept header strings
45                'content_type' (list): list of Content-Type header strings
46            api_client (AsyncioApiClient) api client instance
47            callable (function): the function which is invoked when the
48                Endpoint is called
49        """
50        self.settings = settings
51        self.params_map = params_map
52        self.params_map["all"].extend(
53            [
54                "_preload_content",
55                "_request_timeout",
56                "_return_http_data_only",
57                "_check_input_type",
58                "_check_return_type",
59            ]
60        )
61        self.params_map["nullable"].extend(["_request_timeout"])
62        self.validations = root_map["validations"]
63        self.allowed_values = root_map["allowed_values"]
64        self.openapi_types = root_map["openapi_types"]
65        extra_types = {
66            "_preload_content": (bool,),
67            "_request_timeout": (none_type, float, (float,), [float], int, (int,), [int]),
68            "_return_http_data_only": (bool,),
69            "_check_input_type": (bool,),
70            "_check_return_type": (bool,),
71        }
72        self.openapi_types.update(extra_types)
73        self.attribute_map = root_map["attribute_map"]
74        self.location_map = root_map["location_map"]
75        self.collection_format_map = root_map["collection_format_map"]
76        self.headers_map = headers_map
77        self.api_client = api_client
78        self.callable = callable

Creates an endpoint

  • settings (dict): see below key value pairs 'response_type' (tuple/None): response type 'auth' (list): a list of auth type keys 'endpoint_path' (str): the endpoint path 'operation_id' (str): endpoint string identifier 'http_method' (str): POST/PUT/PATCH/GET etc 'servers' (list): list of str servers that this endpoint is at
  • params_map (dict): see below key value pairs 'all' (list): list of str endpoint parameter names 'required' (list): list of required parameter names 'nullable' (list): list of nullable parameter names 'enum' (list): list of parameters with enum values 'validation' (list): list of parameters with validations
  • root_map 'validations' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter tuple paths to their validation dictionaries 'allowed_values' (dict): the dict mapping endpoint parameter tuple paths to their allowed_values (enum) dictionaries 'openapi_types' (dict): param_name to openapi type 'attribute_map' (dict): param_name to camelCase name 'location_map' (dict): param_name to 'body', 'file', 'form', 'header', 'path', 'query' collection_format_map (dict): param_name to csv etc.
  • headers_map (dict): see below key value pairs 'accept' (list): list of Accept header strings 'content_type' (list): list of Content-Type header strings
  • api_client (AsyncioApiClient) api client instance
  • callable (function): the function which is invoked when the Endpoint is called
async def call_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):
 93    async def call_with_http_info(self, **kwargs):
 94        _host =
 96        EndpointUtils.raise_if_unexpected_param(
 97            params_map=self.params_map, settings=self.settings, kwargs=kwargs
 98        )
100        EndpointUtils.raise_if_missing_required_params(
101            params_map=self.params_map, settings=self.settings, kwargs=kwargs
102        )
104        EndpointUtils.raise_if_invalid_inputs(
105            config=self.api_client.configuration,
106            params_map=self.params_map,
107            allowed_values=self.allowed_values,
108            validations=self.validations,
109            openapi_types=self.openapi_types,
110            kwargs=kwargs,
111        )
113        params = EndpointUtils.gather_params(
114            attribute_map=self.attribute_map,
115            location_map=self.location_map,
116            openapi_types=self.openapi_types,
117            collection_format_map=self.collection_format_map,
118            kwargs=kwargs,
119        )
121        HeaderUtil.prepare_headers(headers_map=self.headers_map, params=params)
123        return await self.api_client.call_api(
124            self.settings["endpoint_path"],
125            self.settings["http_method"],
126            params["path"],
127            params["query"],
128            params["header"],
129            body=params["body"],
130            post_params=params["form"],
131            files=params["file"],
132            response_type=self.settings["response_type"],
133            auth_settings=self.settings["auth"],
134            _check_type=kwargs["_check_return_type"],
135            _return_http_data_only=kwargs["_return_http_data_only"],
136            _preload_content=kwargs["_preload_content"],
137            _request_timeout=kwargs["_request_timeout"],
138            _host=_host,
139            collection_formats=params["collection_format"],
140        )