
  1import time
  2import warnings
  3from typing import Optional, Dict, Any, Union, List, cast, NamedTuple
  5from .index_host_store import IndexHostStore
  7from pinecone.config import PineconeConfig, Config, ConfigBuilder
  9from pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api import ManageIndexesApi
 10from pinecone.utils import normalize_host, setup_openapi_client
 11from pinecone.core.client.models import (
 12    CreateCollectionRequest,
 13    CreateIndexRequest,
 14    ConfigureIndexRequest,
 15    ConfigureIndexRequestSpec,
 16    ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod
 18from pinecone.models import ServerlessSpec, PodSpec, IndexList, CollectionList
 20from import Index
 22class Pinecone:
 24    def __init__(
 25        self,
 26        api_key: Optional[str] = None,
 27        host: Optional[str] = None,
 28        proxy_url: Optional[str] = None,
 29        proxy_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
 30        ssl_ca_certs: Optional[str] = None,
 31        ssl_verify: Optional[bool] = None,
 32        config: Optional[Config] = None,
 33        additional_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {},
 34        pool_threads: Optional[int] = 1,
 35        index_api: Optional[ManageIndexesApi] = None,
 36        **kwargs,
 37    ):
 38        """
 39        The `Pinecone` class is the main entry point for interacting with Pinecone via this Python SDK. 
 40        It is used to create, delete, and manage your indexes and collections.
 42        :param api_key: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 43        :type api_key: str, optional
 44        :param host: The control plane host to connect to.
 45        :type host: str, optional
 46        :param proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to use for the connection. Default: `None`
 47        :type proxy_url: str, optional
 48        :param proxy_headers: Additional headers to pass to the proxy. Use this if your proxy setup requires authentication. Default: `{}`
 49        :type proxy_headers: Dict[str, str], optional
 50        :param ssl_ca_certs: The path to the SSL CA certificate bundle to use for the connection. This path should point to a file in PEM format. Default: `None`
 51        :type ssl_ca_certs: str, optional   
 52        :param ssl_verify: SSL verification is performed by default, but can be disabled using the boolean flag. Default: `True`
 53        :type ssl_verify: bool, optional
 54        :param config: A `pinecone.config.Config` object. If passed, the `api_key` and `host` parameters will be ignored.
 55        :type config: pinecone.config.Config, optional
 56        :param additional_headers: Additional headers to pass to the API. Default: `{}`
 57        :type additional_headers: Dict[str, str], optional
 58        :param pool_threads: The number of threads to use for the connection pool. Default: `1`
 59        :type pool_threads: int, optional
 60        :param index_api: An instance of `pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi`. If passed, the `host` parameter will be ignored.
 61        :type index_api: pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi, optional
 64        ### Configuration with environment variables
 66        If you instantiate the Pinecone client with no arguments, it will attempt to read the API key from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 68        ```python
 69        from pinecone import Pinecone
 71        pc = Pinecone()
 72        ```
 74        ### Configuration with keyword arguments
 76        If you prefer being more explicit in your code, you can also pass the API  as a keyword argument.
 78        ```python
 79        import os
 80        from pinecone import Pinecone
 82        pc = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
 83        ```
 85        ### Environment variables
 87        The Pinecone client supports the following environment variables:
 89        - `PINECONE_API_KEY`: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via 
 90        kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 92        - `PINECONE_DEBUG_CURL`: When troubleshooting it can be very useful to run curl 
 93        commands against the control plane API to see exactly what data is being sent 
 94        and received without all the abstractions and transformations applied by the Python
 95        SDK. If you set this environment variable to `true`, the Pinecone client will use
 96        request parameters to print out an equivalent curl command that you can run yourself
 97        or share with Pinecone support. **Be very careful with this option, as it will print out 
 98        your API key** which forms part of a required authentication header. Default: `false`
100        ### Proxy configuration
102        If your network setup requires you to interact with Pinecone via a proxy, you will need
103        to pass additional configuration using optional keyword parameters. These optional parameters
104        are forwarded to `urllib3`, which is the underlying library currently used by the Pinecone client to
105        make HTTP requests. You may find it helpful to refer to the 
106        [urllib3 documentation on working with proxies]( 
107        while troubleshooting these settings. 
109        Here is a basic example:
111        ```python
112        from pinecone import Pinecone
114        pc = Pinecone(
115            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
116            proxy_url=''
117        )
119        pc.list_indexes()
120        ```
122        If your proxy requires authentication, you can pass those values in a header dictionary using the `proxy_headers` parameter.
124        ```python
125        from pinecone import Pinecone
126        import urllib3 import make_headers
128        pc = Pinecone(
129            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
130            proxy_url='',
131            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password')
132        )
134        pc.list_indexes()
135        ```
137        ### Using proxies with self-signed certificates
139        By default the Pinecone Python client will perform SSL certificate verification 
140        using the CA bundle maintained by Mozilla in the [certifi]( package. 
141        If your proxy server is using a self-signed certificate, you will need to pass the path to the certificate
142        in PEM format using the `ssl_ca_certs` parameter.
144        ```python
145        from pinecone import Pinecone
146        import urllib3 import make_headers
148        pc = Pinecone(
149            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
150            proxy_url='',
151            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password'),
152            ssl_ca_certs='path/to/cert-bundle.pem'
153        )
155        pc.list_indexes()
156        ```
158        ### Disabling SSL verification
160        If you would like to disable SSL verification, you can pass the `ssl_verify` 
161        parameter with a value of `False`. We do not recommend going to production with SSL verification disabled.
163        ```python
164        from pinecone import Pinecone
165        import urllib3 import make_headers
167        pc = Pinecone(
168            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
169            proxy_url='',
170            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password'),
171            ssl_ca_certs='path/to/cert-bundle.pem',
172            ssl_verify=False
173        )
175        pc.list_indexes()
177        ```
178        """
179        if config:
180            if not isinstance(config, Config):
181                raise TypeError("config must be of type pinecone.config.Config")
182            else:
183                self.config = config
184        else:
185            self.config =
186                api_key=api_key, 
187                host=host,
188                additional_headers=additional_headers,
189                proxy_url=proxy_url,
190                proxy_headers=proxy_headers,
191                ssl_ca_certs=ssl_ca_certs,
192                ssl_verify=ssl_verify,
193                **kwargs
194            )
196        if kwargs.get("openapi_config", None):
197            warnings.warn("Passing openapi_config is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please pass settings such as proxy_url, proxy_headers, ssl_ca_certs, and ssl_verify directly to the Pinecone constructor as keyword arguments. See the README at for examples.", DeprecationWarning)
199        self.openapi_config = ConfigBuilder.build_openapi_config(self.config, **kwargs)
200        self.pool_threads = pool_threads
202        if index_api:
203            self.index_api = index_api
204        else:
205            self.index_api = setup_openapi_client(ManageIndexesApi, self.config, self.openapi_config, pool_threads)
207        self.index_host_store = IndexHostStore()
208        """ @private """
210    def create_index(
211        self,
212        name: str,
213        dimension: int,
214        spec: Union[Dict, ServerlessSpec, PodSpec],
215        metric: Optional[str] = "cosine",
216        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
217    ):
218        """Creates a Pinecone index.
220        :param name: The name of the index to create. Must be unique within your project and 
221            cannot be changed once created. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, 
222            and hyphens and the name may not begin or end with hyphens. Maximum length is 45 characters.
223        :type name: str
224        :param dimension: The dimension of vectors that will be inserted in the index. This should
225            match the dimension of the embeddings you will be inserting. For example, if you are using
226            OpenAI's CLIP model, you should use `dimension=1536`.
227        :type dimension: int
228        :param metric: Type of metric used in the vector index when querying, one of `{"cosine", "dotproduct", "euclidean"}`. Defaults to `"cosine"`.
229            Defaults to `"cosine"`.
230        :type metric: str, optional
231        :param spec: A dictionary containing configurations describing how the index should be deployed. For serverless indexes,
232            specify region and cloud. For pod indexes, specify replicas, shards, pods, pod_type, metadata_config, and source_collection.
233        :type spec: Dict
234        :type timeout: int, optional
235        :param timeout: Specify the number of seconds to wait until index gets ready. If None, wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds;
236            if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
238        ### Creating a serverless index
240        ```python
241        import os
242        from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
244        client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
246        client.create_index(
247            name="my_index", 
248            dimension=1536, 
249            metric="cosine", 
250            spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")
251        )
252        ```
254        ### Creating a pod index
256        ```python
257        import os
258        from pinecone import Pinecone, PodSpec
260        client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
262        client.create_index(
263            name="my_index",
264            dimension=1536,
265            metric="cosine",
266            spec=PodSpec(
267                environment="us-east1-gcp", 
268                pod_type="p1.x1"
269            )
270        )
271        ```
272        """
274        api_instance = self.index_api
276        if isinstance(spec, dict):
277            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec))
278        elif isinstance(spec, ServerlessSpec):
279            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec.asdict()))
280        elif isinstance(spec, PodSpec):
281            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec.asdict()))
282        else:
283            raise TypeError("spec must be of type dict, ServerlessSpec, or PodSpec")
285        def is_ready():
286            status = self._get_status(name)
287            ready = status["ready"]
288            return ready
290        if timeout == -1:
291            return
292        if timeout is None:
293            while not is_ready():
294                time.sleep(5)
295        else:
296            while (not is_ready()) and timeout >= 0:
297                time.sleep(5)
298                timeout -= 5
299        if timeout and timeout < 0:
300            raise (
301                TimeoutError(
302                    "Please call the describe_index API ({}) to confirm index status.".format(
303                        ""
304                    )
305                )
306            )
308    def delete_index(self, name: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None):
309        """Deletes a Pinecone index.
311        Deleting an index is an irreversible operation. All data in the index will be lost.
312        When you use this command, a request is sent to the Pinecone control plane to delete 
313        the index, but the termination is not synchronous because resources take a few moments to
314        be released. 
316        You can check the status of the index by calling the `describe_index()` command.
317        With repeated polling of the describe_index command, you will see the index transition to a 
318        `Terminating` state before eventually resulting in a 404 after it has been removed.
320        :param name: the name of the index.
321        :type name: str
322        :param timeout: Number of seconds to poll status checking whether the index has been deleted. If None, 
323            wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds;
324            if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
325        :type timeout: int, optional
326        """
327        api_instance = self.index_api
328        api_instance.delete_index(name)
329        self.index_host_store.delete_host(self.config, name)
331        def get_remaining():
332            return name in self.list_indexes().names()
334        if timeout == -1:
335            return
337        if timeout is None:
338            while get_remaining():
339                time.sleep(5)
340        else:
341            while get_remaining() and timeout >= 0:
342                time.sleep(5)
343                timeout -= 5
344        if timeout and timeout < 0:
345            raise (
346                TimeoutError(
347                    "Please call the list_indexes API ({}) to confirm if index is deleted".format(
348                        ""
349                    )
350                )
351            )
353    def list_indexes(self) -> IndexList:
354        """Lists all indexes.
356        The results include a description of all indexes in your project, including the 
357        index name, dimension, metric, status, and spec.
359        :return: Returns an `IndexList` object, which is iterable and contains a 
360            list of `IndexDescription` objects. It also has a convenience method `names()`
361            which returns a list of index names.
363        ```python
364        from pinecone import Pinecone
366        client = Pinecone()
368        index_name = "my_index"
369        if index_name not in client.list_indexes().names():
370            print("Index does not exist, creating...")
371            client.create_index(
372                name=index_name,
373                dimension=768,
374                metric="cosine",
375                spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")
376            )
377        ```
379        You can also use the `list_indexes()` method to iterate over all indexes in your project
380        and get other information besides just names.
382        ```python
383        from pinecone import Pinecone
385        client = Pinecone()
387        for index in client.list_indexes():
388            print(
389            print(index.dimension)
390            print(index.metric)
391            print(index.status)
392            print(
393            print(index.spec)
394        ```
396        """
397        response = self.index_api.list_indexes()
398        return IndexList(response)
400    def describe_index(self, name: str):
401        """Describes a Pinecone index.
403        :param name: the name of the index to describe.
404        :return: Returns an `IndexDescription` object
405        which gives access to properties such as the 
406        index name, dimension, metric, host url, status, 
407        and spec.
409        ### Getting your index host url
411        In a real production situation, you probably want to
412        store the host url in an environment variable so you
413        don't have to call describe_index and re-fetch it 
414        every time you want to use the index. But this example
415        shows how to get the value from the API using describe_index.
417        ```python
418        from pinecone import Pinecone, Index
420        client = Pinecone()
422        description = client.describe_index("my_index")
424        host =
425        print(f"Your index is hosted at {}")
427        index = client.Index(name="my_index", host=host)
428        index.upsert(vectors=[...])
429        ```
430        """
431        api_instance = self.index_api
432        description = api_instance.describe_index(name)
433        host =
434        self.index_host_store.set_host(self.config, name, host)
436        return description
438    def configure_index(self, name: str, replicas: Optional[int] = None, pod_type: Optional[str] = None):
439        """This method is used to scale configuration fields for your pod-based Pinecone index. 
441        :param: name: the name of the Index
442        :param: replicas: the desired number of replicas, lowest value is 0.
443        :param: pod_type: the new pod_type for the index. To learn more about the
444            available pod types, please see [Understanding Indexes](
447        ```python
448        from pinecone import Pinecone
450        client = Pinecone()
452        # Make a configuration change
453        client.configure_index(name="my_index", replicas=4)
455        # Call describe_index to see the index status as the 
456        # change is applied.
457        client.describe_index("my_index")
458        ```
460        """
461        api_instance = self.index_api
462        config_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
463        if pod_type:
464            config_args.update(pod_type=pod_type)
465        if replicas:
466            config_args.update(replicas=replicas)
467        configure_index_request = ConfigureIndexRequest(
468            spec=ConfigureIndexRequestSpec(
469                pod=ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod(**config_args)
470            )
471        )
472        api_instance.configure_index(name, configure_index_request=configure_index_request)
474    def create_collection(self, name: str, source: str):
475        """Create a collection from a pod-based index
477        :param name: Name of the collection
478        :param source: Name of the source index
479        """
480        api_instance = self.index_api
481        api_instance.create_collection(create_collection_request=CreateCollectionRequest(name=name, source=source))
483    def list_collections(self) -> CollectionList:
484        """List all collections
486        ```python
487        from pinecone import Pinecone
489        client = Pinecone()
491        for collection in client.list_collections():
492            print(
493            print(collection.source)
495        # You can also iterate specifically over the collection
496        # names with the .names() helper.
497        collection_name="my_collection"
498        for collection_name in client.list_collections().names():
499            print(collection_name)
500        ```
501        """
502        api_instance = self.index_api
503        response = api_instance.list_collections()
504        return CollectionList(response)
506    def delete_collection(self, name: str):
507        """Deletes a collection.
509        :param: name: The name of the collection
511        Deleting a collection is an irreversible operation. All data 
512        in the collection will be lost.
514        This method tells Pinecone you would like to delete a collection,
515        but it takes a few moments to complete the operation. Use the 
516        `describe_collection()` method to confirm that the collection 
517        has been deleted.
518        """
519        api_instance = self.index_api
520        api_instance.delete_collection(name)
522    def describe_collection(self, name: str):
523        """Describes a collection.
524        :param: The name of the collection
525        :return: Description of the collection
527        ```python
528        from pinecone import Pinecone
530        client = Pinecone()
532        description = client.describe_collection("my_collection")
533        print(
534        print(description.source)
535        print(description.status)
536        print(description.size)
537        print(description.)
538        ```
539        """
540        api_instance = self.index_api
541        return api_instance.describe_collection(name).to_dict()
543    def _get_status(self, name: str):
544        api_instance = self.index_api
545        response = api_instance.describe_index(name)
546        return response["status"]
549    def Index(self, name: str = '', host: str = '', **kwargs):
550        """
551        Target an index for data operations.
553        ### Target an index by host url
555        In production situations, you want to uspert or query your data as quickly
556        as possible. If you know in advance the host url of your index, you can
557        eliminate a round trip to the Pinecone control plane by specifying the 
558        host of the index.
560        ```python
561        import os
562        from pinecone import Pinecone
564        api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
565        index_host = os.environ.get("PINECONE_INDEX_HOST")
567        pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
568        index = pc.Index(host=index_host)
570        # Now you're ready to perform data operations
571        index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)
572        ```
574        To find your host url, you can use the Pinecone control plane to describe
575        the index. The host url is returned in the response. Or, alternatively, the
576        host is displayed in the Pinecone web console.
578        ```python
579        import os
580        from pinecone import Pinecone
582        pc = Pinecone(
583            api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
584        )
586        host = pc.describe_index('index-name').host
587        ```
589        ### Target an index by name (not recommended for production)
591        For more casual usage, such as when you are playing and exploring with Pinecone
592        in a notebook setting, you can also target an index by name. If you use this
593        approach, the client may need to perform an extra call to the Pinecone control 
594        plane to get the host url on your behalf to get the index host.
596        The client will cache the index host for future use whenever it is seen, so you 
597        will only incur the overhead of only one call. But this approach is not 
598        recommended for production usage.
600        ```python
601        import os
602        from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
604        api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
606        pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
607        pc.create_index(
608            name='my-index',
609            dimension=1536,
610            metric='cosine',
611            spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud='aws', region='us-west-2')
612        )
613        index = pc.Index('my-index')
615        # Now you're ready to perform data operations
616        index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)
617        ```
618        """
619        if name == '' and host == '':
620            raise ValueError("Either name or host must be specified")
622        pt = kwargs.pop('pool_threads', None) or self.pool_threads
623        api_key = self.config.api_key
624        openapi_config = self.openapi_config
626        if host != '':
627            # Use host url if it is provided
628            index_host=normalize_host(host)
629        else:
630            # Otherwise, get host url from describe_index using the index name
631            index_host = self.index_host_store.get_host(self.index_api, self.config, name)
633        return Index(
634            host=index_host,
635            api_key=api_key,
636            pool_threads=pt,
637            openapi_config=openapi_config,
638            source_tag=self.config.source_tag,
639            **kwargs
640        )
class Pinecone:
 23class Pinecone:
 25    def __init__(
 26        self,
 27        api_key: Optional[str] = None,
 28        host: Optional[str] = None,
 29        proxy_url: Optional[str] = None,
 30        proxy_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
 31        ssl_ca_certs: Optional[str] = None,
 32        ssl_verify: Optional[bool] = None,
 33        config: Optional[Config] = None,
 34        additional_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {},
 35        pool_threads: Optional[int] = 1,
 36        index_api: Optional[ManageIndexesApi] = None,
 37        **kwargs,
 38    ):
 39        """
 40        The `Pinecone` class is the main entry point for interacting with Pinecone via this Python SDK. 
 41        It is used to create, delete, and manage your indexes and collections.
 43        :param api_key: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 44        :type api_key: str, optional
 45        :param host: The control plane host to connect to.
 46        :type host: str, optional
 47        :param proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to use for the connection. Default: `None`
 48        :type proxy_url: str, optional
 49        :param proxy_headers: Additional headers to pass to the proxy. Use this if your proxy setup requires authentication. Default: `{}`
 50        :type proxy_headers: Dict[str, str], optional
 51        :param ssl_ca_certs: The path to the SSL CA certificate bundle to use for the connection. This path should point to a file in PEM format. Default: `None`
 52        :type ssl_ca_certs: str, optional   
 53        :param ssl_verify: SSL verification is performed by default, but can be disabled using the boolean flag. Default: `True`
 54        :type ssl_verify: bool, optional
 55        :param config: A `pinecone.config.Config` object. If passed, the `api_key` and `host` parameters will be ignored.
 56        :type config: pinecone.config.Config, optional
 57        :param additional_headers: Additional headers to pass to the API. Default: `{}`
 58        :type additional_headers: Dict[str, str], optional
 59        :param pool_threads: The number of threads to use for the connection pool. Default: `1`
 60        :type pool_threads: int, optional
 61        :param index_api: An instance of `pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi`. If passed, the `host` parameter will be ignored.
 62        :type index_api: pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi, optional
 65        ### Configuration with environment variables
 67        If you instantiate the Pinecone client with no arguments, it will attempt to read the API key from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 69        ```python
 70        from pinecone import Pinecone
 72        pc = Pinecone()
 73        ```
 75        ### Configuration with keyword arguments
 77        If you prefer being more explicit in your code, you can also pass the API  as a keyword argument.
 79        ```python
 80        import os
 81        from pinecone import Pinecone
 83        pc = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
 84        ```
 86        ### Environment variables
 88        The Pinecone client supports the following environment variables:
 90        - `PINECONE_API_KEY`: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via 
 91        kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 93        - `PINECONE_DEBUG_CURL`: When troubleshooting it can be very useful to run curl 
 94        commands against the control plane API to see exactly what data is being sent 
 95        and received without all the abstractions and transformations applied by the Python
 96        SDK. If you set this environment variable to `true`, the Pinecone client will use
 97        request parameters to print out an equivalent curl command that you can run yourself
 98        or share with Pinecone support. **Be very careful with this option, as it will print out 
 99        your API key** which forms part of a required authentication header. Default: `false`
101        ### Proxy configuration
103        If your network setup requires you to interact with Pinecone via a proxy, you will need
104        to pass additional configuration using optional keyword parameters. These optional parameters
105        are forwarded to `urllib3`, which is the underlying library currently used by the Pinecone client to
106        make HTTP requests. You may find it helpful to refer to the 
107        [urllib3 documentation on working with proxies]( 
108        while troubleshooting these settings. 
110        Here is a basic example:
112        ```python
113        from pinecone import Pinecone
115        pc = Pinecone(
116            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
117            proxy_url=''
118        )
120        pc.list_indexes()
121        ```
123        If your proxy requires authentication, you can pass those values in a header dictionary using the `proxy_headers` parameter.
125        ```python
126        from pinecone import Pinecone
127        import urllib3 import make_headers
129        pc = Pinecone(
130            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
131            proxy_url='',
132            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password')
133        )
135        pc.list_indexes()
136        ```
138        ### Using proxies with self-signed certificates
140        By default the Pinecone Python client will perform SSL certificate verification 
141        using the CA bundle maintained by Mozilla in the [certifi]( package. 
142        If your proxy server is using a self-signed certificate, you will need to pass the path to the certificate
143        in PEM format using the `ssl_ca_certs` parameter.
145        ```python
146        from pinecone import Pinecone
147        import urllib3 import make_headers
149        pc = Pinecone(
150            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
151            proxy_url='',
152            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password'),
153            ssl_ca_certs='path/to/cert-bundle.pem'
154        )
156        pc.list_indexes()
157        ```
159        ### Disabling SSL verification
161        If you would like to disable SSL verification, you can pass the `ssl_verify` 
162        parameter with a value of `False`. We do not recommend going to production with SSL verification disabled.
164        ```python
165        from pinecone import Pinecone
166        import urllib3 import make_headers
168        pc = Pinecone(
169            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
170            proxy_url='',
171            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password'),
172            ssl_ca_certs='path/to/cert-bundle.pem',
173            ssl_verify=False
174        )
176        pc.list_indexes()
178        ```
179        """
180        if config:
181            if not isinstance(config, Config):
182                raise TypeError("config must be of type pinecone.config.Config")
183            else:
184                self.config = config
185        else:
186            self.config =
187                api_key=api_key, 
188                host=host,
189                additional_headers=additional_headers,
190                proxy_url=proxy_url,
191                proxy_headers=proxy_headers,
192                ssl_ca_certs=ssl_ca_certs,
193                ssl_verify=ssl_verify,
194                **kwargs
195            )
197        if kwargs.get("openapi_config", None):
198            warnings.warn("Passing openapi_config is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please pass settings such as proxy_url, proxy_headers, ssl_ca_certs, and ssl_verify directly to the Pinecone constructor as keyword arguments. See the README at for examples.", DeprecationWarning)
200        self.openapi_config = ConfigBuilder.build_openapi_config(self.config, **kwargs)
201        self.pool_threads = pool_threads
203        if index_api:
204            self.index_api = index_api
205        else:
206            self.index_api = setup_openapi_client(ManageIndexesApi, self.config, self.openapi_config, pool_threads)
208        self.index_host_store = IndexHostStore()
209        """ @private """
211    def create_index(
212        self,
213        name: str,
214        dimension: int,
215        spec: Union[Dict, ServerlessSpec, PodSpec],
216        metric: Optional[str] = "cosine",
217        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
218    ):
219        """Creates a Pinecone index.
221        :param name: The name of the index to create. Must be unique within your project and 
222            cannot be changed once created. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, 
223            and hyphens and the name may not begin or end with hyphens. Maximum length is 45 characters.
224        :type name: str
225        :param dimension: The dimension of vectors that will be inserted in the index. This should
226            match the dimension of the embeddings you will be inserting. For example, if you are using
227            OpenAI's CLIP model, you should use `dimension=1536`.
228        :type dimension: int
229        :param metric: Type of metric used in the vector index when querying, one of `{"cosine", "dotproduct", "euclidean"}`. Defaults to `"cosine"`.
230            Defaults to `"cosine"`.
231        :type metric: str, optional
232        :param spec: A dictionary containing configurations describing how the index should be deployed. For serverless indexes,
233            specify region and cloud. For pod indexes, specify replicas, shards, pods, pod_type, metadata_config, and source_collection.
234        :type spec: Dict
235        :type timeout: int, optional
236        :param timeout: Specify the number of seconds to wait until index gets ready. If None, wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds;
237            if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
239        ### Creating a serverless index
241        ```python
242        import os
243        from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
245        client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
247        client.create_index(
248            name="my_index", 
249            dimension=1536, 
250            metric="cosine", 
251            spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")
252        )
253        ```
255        ### Creating a pod index
257        ```python
258        import os
259        from pinecone import Pinecone, PodSpec
261        client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
263        client.create_index(
264            name="my_index",
265            dimension=1536,
266            metric="cosine",
267            spec=PodSpec(
268                environment="us-east1-gcp", 
269                pod_type="p1.x1"
270            )
271        )
272        ```
273        """
275        api_instance = self.index_api
277        if isinstance(spec, dict):
278            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec))
279        elif isinstance(spec, ServerlessSpec):
280            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec.asdict()))
281        elif isinstance(spec, PodSpec):
282            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec.asdict()))
283        else:
284            raise TypeError("spec must be of type dict, ServerlessSpec, or PodSpec")
286        def is_ready():
287            status = self._get_status(name)
288            ready = status["ready"]
289            return ready
291        if timeout == -1:
292            return
293        if timeout is None:
294            while not is_ready():
295                time.sleep(5)
296        else:
297            while (not is_ready()) and timeout >= 0:
298                time.sleep(5)
299                timeout -= 5
300        if timeout and timeout < 0:
301            raise (
302                TimeoutError(
303                    "Please call the describe_index API ({}) to confirm index status.".format(
304                        ""
305                    )
306                )
307            )
309    def delete_index(self, name: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None):
310        """Deletes a Pinecone index.
312        Deleting an index is an irreversible operation. All data in the index will be lost.
313        When you use this command, a request is sent to the Pinecone control plane to delete 
314        the index, but the termination is not synchronous because resources take a few moments to
315        be released. 
317        You can check the status of the index by calling the `describe_index()` command.
318        With repeated polling of the describe_index command, you will see the index transition to a 
319        `Terminating` state before eventually resulting in a 404 after it has been removed.
321        :param name: the name of the index.
322        :type name: str
323        :param timeout: Number of seconds to poll status checking whether the index has been deleted. If None, 
324            wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds;
325            if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
326        :type timeout: int, optional
327        """
328        api_instance = self.index_api
329        api_instance.delete_index(name)
330        self.index_host_store.delete_host(self.config, name)
332        def get_remaining():
333            return name in self.list_indexes().names()
335        if timeout == -1:
336            return
338        if timeout is None:
339            while get_remaining():
340                time.sleep(5)
341        else:
342            while get_remaining() and timeout >= 0:
343                time.sleep(5)
344                timeout -= 5
345        if timeout and timeout < 0:
346            raise (
347                TimeoutError(
348                    "Please call the list_indexes API ({}) to confirm if index is deleted".format(
349                        ""
350                    )
351                )
352            )
354    def list_indexes(self) -> IndexList:
355        """Lists all indexes.
357        The results include a description of all indexes in your project, including the 
358        index name, dimension, metric, status, and spec.
360        :return: Returns an `IndexList` object, which is iterable and contains a 
361            list of `IndexDescription` objects. It also has a convenience method `names()`
362            which returns a list of index names.
364        ```python
365        from pinecone import Pinecone
367        client = Pinecone()
369        index_name = "my_index"
370        if index_name not in client.list_indexes().names():
371            print("Index does not exist, creating...")
372            client.create_index(
373                name=index_name,
374                dimension=768,
375                metric="cosine",
376                spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")
377            )
378        ```
380        You can also use the `list_indexes()` method to iterate over all indexes in your project
381        and get other information besides just names.
383        ```python
384        from pinecone import Pinecone
386        client = Pinecone()
388        for index in client.list_indexes():
389            print(
390            print(index.dimension)
391            print(index.metric)
392            print(index.status)
393            print(
394            print(index.spec)
395        ```
397        """
398        response = self.index_api.list_indexes()
399        return IndexList(response)
401    def describe_index(self, name: str):
402        """Describes a Pinecone index.
404        :param name: the name of the index to describe.
405        :return: Returns an `IndexDescription` object
406        which gives access to properties such as the 
407        index name, dimension, metric, host url, status, 
408        and spec.
410        ### Getting your index host url
412        In a real production situation, you probably want to
413        store the host url in an environment variable so you
414        don't have to call describe_index and re-fetch it 
415        every time you want to use the index. But this example
416        shows how to get the value from the API using describe_index.
418        ```python
419        from pinecone import Pinecone, Index
421        client = Pinecone()
423        description = client.describe_index("my_index")
425        host =
426        print(f"Your index is hosted at {}")
428        index = client.Index(name="my_index", host=host)
429        index.upsert(vectors=[...])
430        ```
431        """
432        api_instance = self.index_api
433        description = api_instance.describe_index(name)
434        host =
435        self.index_host_store.set_host(self.config, name, host)
437        return description
439    def configure_index(self, name: str, replicas: Optional[int] = None, pod_type: Optional[str] = None):
440        """This method is used to scale configuration fields for your pod-based Pinecone index. 
442        :param: name: the name of the Index
443        :param: replicas: the desired number of replicas, lowest value is 0.
444        :param: pod_type: the new pod_type for the index. To learn more about the
445            available pod types, please see [Understanding Indexes](
448        ```python
449        from pinecone import Pinecone
451        client = Pinecone()
453        # Make a configuration change
454        client.configure_index(name="my_index", replicas=4)
456        # Call describe_index to see the index status as the 
457        # change is applied.
458        client.describe_index("my_index")
459        ```
461        """
462        api_instance = self.index_api
463        config_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
464        if pod_type:
465            config_args.update(pod_type=pod_type)
466        if replicas:
467            config_args.update(replicas=replicas)
468        configure_index_request = ConfigureIndexRequest(
469            spec=ConfigureIndexRequestSpec(
470                pod=ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod(**config_args)
471            )
472        )
473        api_instance.configure_index(name, configure_index_request=configure_index_request)
475    def create_collection(self, name: str, source: str):
476        """Create a collection from a pod-based index
478        :param name: Name of the collection
479        :param source: Name of the source index
480        """
481        api_instance = self.index_api
482        api_instance.create_collection(create_collection_request=CreateCollectionRequest(name=name, source=source))
484    def list_collections(self) -> CollectionList:
485        """List all collections
487        ```python
488        from pinecone import Pinecone
490        client = Pinecone()
492        for collection in client.list_collections():
493            print(
494            print(collection.source)
496        # You can also iterate specifically over the collection
497        # names with the .names() helper.
498        collection_name="my_collection"
499        for collection_name in client.list_collections().names():
500            print(collection_name)
501        ```
502        """
503        api_instance = self.index_api
504        response = api_instance.list_collections()
505        return CollectionList(response)
507    def delete_collection(self, name: str):
508        """Deletes a collection.
510        :param: name: The name of the collection
512        Deleting a collection is an irreversible operation. All data 
513        in the collection will be lost.
515        This method tells Pinecone you would like to delete a collection,
516        but it takes a few moments to complete the operation. Use the 
517        `describe_collection()` method to confirm that the collection 
518        has been deleted.
519        """
520        api_instance = self.index_api
521        api_instance.delete_collection(name)
523    def describe_collection(self, name: str):
524        """Describes a collection.
525        :param: The name of the collection
526        :return: Description of the collection
528        ```python
529        from pinecone import Pinecone
531        client = Pinecone()
533        description = client.describe_collection("my_collection")
534        print(
535        print(description.source)
536        print(description.status)
537        print(description.size)
538        print(description.)
539        ```
540        """
541        api_instance = self.index_api
542        return api_instance.describe_collection(name).to_dict()
544    def _get_status(self, name: str):
545        api_instance = self.index_api
546        response = api_instance.describe_index(name)
547        return response["status"]
550    def Index(self, name: str = '', host: str = '', **kwargs):
551        """
552        Target an index for data operations.
554        ### Target an index by host url
556        In production situations, you want to uspert or query your data as quickly
557        as possible. If you know in advance the host url of your index, you can
558        eliminate a round trip to the Pinecone control plane by specifying the 
559        host of the index.
561        ```python
562        import os
563        from pinecone import Pinecone
565        api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
566        index_host = os.environ.get("PINECONE_INDEX_HOST")
568        pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
569        index = pc.Index(host=index_host)
571        # Now you're ready to perform data operations
572        index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)
573        ```
575        To find your host url, you can use the Pinecone control plane to describe
576        the index. The host url is returned in the response. Or, alternatively, the
577        host is displayed in the Pinecone web console.
579        ```python
580        import os
581        from pinecone import Pinecone
583        pc = Pinecone(
584            api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
585        )
587        host = pc.describe_index('index-name').host
588        ```
590        ### Target an index by name (not recommended for production)
592        For more casual usage, such as when you are playing and exploring with Pinecone
593        in a notebook setting, you can also target an index by name. If you use this
594        approach, the client may need to perform an extra call to the Pinecone control 
595        plane to get the host url on your behalf to get the index host.
597        The client will cache the index host for future use whenever it is seen, so you 
598        will only incur the overhead of only one call. But this approach is not 
599        recommended for production usage.
601        ```python
602        import os
603        from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
605        api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
607        pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
608        pc.create_index(
609            name='my-index',
610            dimension=1536,
611            metric='cosine',
612            spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud='aws', region='us-west-2')
613        )
614        index = pc.Index('my-index')
616        # Now you're ready to perform data operations
617        index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)
618        ```
619        """
620        if name == '' and host == '':
621            raise ValueError("Either name or host must be specified")
623        pt = kwargs.pop('pool_threads', None) or self.pool_threads
624        api_key = self.config.api_key
625        openapi_config = self.openapi_config
627        if host != '':
628            # Use host url if it is provided
629            index_host=normalize_host(host)
630        else:
631            # Otherwise, get host url from describe_index using the index name
632            index_host = self.index_host_store.get_host(self.index_api, self.config, name)
634        return Index(
635            host=index_host,
636            api_key=api_key,
637            pool_threads=pt,
638            openapi_config=openapi_config,
639            source_tag=self.config.source_tag,
640            **kwargs
641        )
Pinecone( api_key: Optional[str] = None, host: Optional[str] = None, proxy_url: Optional[str] = None, proxy_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, ssl_ca_certs: Optional[str] = None, ssl_verify: Optional[bool] = None, config: Optional[pinecone.config.config.Config] = None, additional_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {}, pool_threads: Optional[int] = 1, index_api: Optional[pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi] = None, **kwargs)
 25    def __init__(
 26        self,
 27        api_key: Optional[str] = None,
 28        host: Optional[str] = None,
 29        proxy_url: Optional[str] = None,
 30        proxy_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
 31        ssl_ca_certs: Optional[str] = None,
 32        ssl_verify: Optional[bool] = None,
 33        config: Optional[Config] = None,
 34        additional_headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {},
 35        pool_threads: Optional[int] = 1,
 36        index_api: Optional[ManageIndexesApi] = None,
 37        **kwargs,
 38    ):
 39        """
 40        The `Pinecone` class is the main entry point for interacting with Pinecone via this Python SDK. 
 41        It is used to create, delete, and manage your indexes and collections.
 43        :param api_key: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 44        :type api_key: str, optional
 45        :param host: The control plane host to connect to.
 46        :type host: str, optional
 47        :param proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to use for the connection. Default: `None`
 48        :type proxy_url: str, optional
 49        :param proxy_headers: Additional headers to pass to the proxy. Use this if your proxy setup requires authentication. Default: `{}`
 50        :type proxy_headers: Dict[str, str], optional
 51        :param ssl_ca_certs: The path to the SSL CA certificate bundle to use for the connection. This path should point to a file in PEM format. Default: `None`
 52        :type ssl_ca_certs: str, optional   
 53        :param ssl_verify: SSL verification is performed by default, but can be disabled using the boolean flag. Default: `True`
 54        :type ssl_verify: bool, optional
 55        :param config: A `pinecone.config.Config` object. If passed, the `api_key` and `host` parameters will be ignored.
 56        :type config: pinecone.config.Config, optional
 57        :param additional_headers: Additional headers to pass to the API. Default: `{}`
 58        :type additional_headers: Dict[str, str], optional
 59        :param pool_threads: The number of threads to use for the connection pool. Default: `1`
 60        :type pool_threads: int, optional
 61        :param index_api: An instance of `pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi`. If passed, the `host` parameter will be ignored.
 62        :type index_api: pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi, optional
 65        ### Configuration with environment variables
 67        If you instantiate the Pinecone client with no arguments, it will attempt to read the API key from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 69        ```python
 70        from pinecone import Pinecone
 72        pc = Pinecone()
 73        ```
 75        ### Configuration with keyword arguments
 77        If you prefer being more explicit in your code, you can also pass the API  as a keyword argument.
 79        ```python
 80        import os
 81        from pinecone import Pinecone
 83        pc = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
 84        ```
 86        ### Environment variables
 88        The Pinecone client supports the following environment variables:
 90        - `PINECONE_API_KEY`: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via 
 91        kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable `PINECONE_API_KEY`.
 93        - `PINECONE_DEBUG_CURL`: When troubleshooting it can be very useful to run curl 
 94        commands against the control plane API to see exactly what data is being sent 
 95        and received without all the abstractions and transformations applied by the Python
 96        SDK. If you set this environment variable to `true`, the Pinecone client will use
 97        request parameters to print out an equivalent curl command that you can run yourself
 98        or share with Pinecone support. **Be very careful with this option, as it will print out 
 99        your API key** which forms part of a required authentication header. Default: `false`
101        ### Proxy configuration
103        If your network setup requires you to interact with Pinecone via a proxy, you will need
104        to pass additional configuration using optional keyword parameters. These optional parameters
105        are forwarded to `urllib3`, which is the underlying library currently used by the Pinecone client to
106        make HTTP requests. You may find it helpful to refer to the 
107        [urllib3 documentation on working with proxies]( 
108        while troubleshooting these settings. 
110        Here is a basic example:
112        ```python
113        from pinecone import Pinecone
115        pc = Pinecone(
116            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
117            proxy_url=''
118        )
120        pc.list_indexes()
121        ```
123        If your proxy requires authentication, you can pass those values in a header dictionary using the `proxy_headers` parameter.
125        ```python
126        from pinecone import Pinecone
127        import urllib3 import make_headers
129        pc = Pinecone(
130            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
131            proxy_url='',
132            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password')
133        )
135        pc.list_indexes()
136        ```
138        ### Using proxies with self-signed certificates
140        By default the Pinecone Python client will perform SSL certificate verification 
141        using the CA bundle maintained by Mozilla in the [certifi]( package. 
142        If your proxy server is using a self-signed certificate, you will need to pass the path to the certificate
143        in PEM format using the `ssl_ca_certs` parameter.
145        ```python
146        from pinecone import Pinecone
147        import urllib3 import make_headers
149        pc = Pinecone(
150            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
151            proxy_url='',
152            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password'),
153            ssl_ca_certs='path/to/cert-bundle.pem'
154        )
156        pc.list_indexes()
157        ```
159        ### Disabling SSL verification
161        If you would like to disable SSL verification, you can pass the `ssl_verify` 
162        parameter with a value of `False`. We do not recommend going to production with SSL verification disabled.
164        ```python
165        from pinecone import Pinecone
166        import urllib3 import make_headers
168        pc = Pinecone(
169            api_key='YOUR_API_KEY',
170            proxy_url='',
171            proxy_headers=make_headers(proxy_basic_auth='username:password'),
172            ssl_ca_certs='path/to/cert-bundle.pem',
173            ssl_verify=False
174        )
176        pc.list_indexes()
178        ```
179        """
180        if config:
181            if not isinstance(config, Config):
182                raise TypeError("config must be of type pinecone.config.Config")
183            else:
184                self.config = config
185        else:
186            self.config =
187                api_key=api_key, 
188                host=host,
189                additional_headers=additional_headers,
190                proxy_url=proxy_url,
191                proxy_headers=proxy_headers,
192                ssl_ca_certs=ssl_ca_certs,
193                ssl_verify=ssl_verify,
194                **kwargs
195            )
197        if kwargs.get("openapi_config", None):
198            warnings.warn("Passing openapi_config is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please pass settings such as proxy_url, proxy_headers, ssl_ca_certs, and ssl_verify directly to the Pinecone constructor as keyword arguments. See the README at for examples.", DeprecationWarning)
200        self.openapi_config = ConfigBuilder.build_openapi_config(self.config, **kwargs)
201        self.pool_threads = pool_threads
203        if index_api:
204            self.index_api = index_api
205        else:
206            self.index_api = setup_openapi_client(ManageIndexesApi, self.config, self.openapi_config, pool_threads)
208        self.index_host_store = IndexHostStore()
209        """ @private """

The Pinecone class is the main entry point for interacting with Pinecone via this Python SDK. It is used to create, delete, and manage your indexes and collections.

  • api_key: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable PINECONE_API_KEY.
  • host: The control plane host to connect to.
  • proxy_url: The URL of the proxy to use for the connection. Default: None
  • proxy_headers: Additional headers to pass to the proxy. Use this if your proxy setup requires authentication. Default: {}
  • ssl_ca_certs: The path to the SSL CA certificate bundle to use for the connection. This path should point to a file in PEM format. Default: None
  • ssl_verify: SSL verification is performed by default, but can be disabled using the boolean flag. Default: True
  • config: A pinecone.config.Config object. If passed, the api_key and host parameters will be ignored.
  • additional_headers: Additional headers to pass to the API. Default: {}
  • pool_threads: The number of threads to use for the connection pool. Default: 1
  • index_api: An instance of pinecone.core.client.api.manage_indexes_api.ManageIndexesApi. If passed, the host parameter will be ignored.

Configuration with environment variables

If you instantiate the Pinecone client with no arguments, it will attempt to read the API key from the environment variable PINECONE_API_KEY.

from pinecone import Pinecone

pc = Pinecone()

Configuration with keyword arguments

If you prefer being more explicit in your code, you can also pass the API as a keyword argument.

import os
from pinecone import Pinecone

pc = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))

Environment variables

The Pinecone client supports the following environment variables:

  • PINECONE_API_KEY: The API key to use for authentication. If not passed via kwarg, the API key will be read from the environment variable PINECONE_API_KEY.

  • PINECONE_DEBUG_CURL: When troubleshooting it can be very useful to run curl commands against the control plane API to see exactly what data is being sent and received without all the abstractions and transformations applied by the Python SDK. If you set this environment variable to true, the Pinecone client will use request parameters to print out an equivalent curl command that you can run yourself or share with Pinecone support. Be very careful with this option, as it will print out your API key which forms part of a required authentication header. Default: false

Proxy configuration

If your network setup requires you to interact with Pinecone via a proxy, you will need to pass additional configuration using optional keyword parameters. These optional parameters are forwarded to urllib3, which is the underlying library currently used by the Pinecone client to make HTTP requests. You may find it helpful to refer to the urllib3 documentation on working with proxies while troubleshooting these settings.

Here is a basic example:

from pinecone import Pinecone

pc = Pinecone(


If your proxy requires authentication, you can pass those values in a header dictionary using the proxy_headers parameter.

from pinecone import Pinecone
import urllib3 import make_headers

pc = Pinecone(


Using proxies with self-signed certificates

By default the Pinecone Python client will perform SSL certificate verification using the CA bundle maintained by Mozilla in the certifi package. If your proxy server is using a self-signed certificate, you will need to pass the path to the certificate in PEM format using the ssl_ca_certs parameter.

from pinecone import Pinecone
import urllib3 import make_headers

pc = Pinecone(


Disabling SSL verification

If you would like to disable SSL verification, you can pass the ssl_verify parameter with a value of False. We do not recommend going to production with SSL verification disabled.

from pinecone import Pinecone
import urllib3 import make_headers

pc = Pinecone(

def create_index( self, name: str, dimension: int, spec: Union[Dict, pinecone.models.serverless_spec.ServerlessSpec, pinecone.models.pod_spec.PodSpec], metric: Optional[str] = 'cosine', timeout: Optional[int] = None):
211    def create_index(
212        self,
213        name: str,
214        dimension: int,
215        spec: Union[Dict, ServerlessSpec, PodSpec],
216        metric: Optional[str] = "cosine",
217        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
218    ):
219        """Creates a Pinecone index.
221        :param name: The name of the index to create. Must be unique within your project and 
222            cannot be changed once created. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, 
223            and hyphens and the name may not begin or end with hyphens. Maximum length is 45 characters.
224        :type name: str
225        :param dimension: The dimension of vectors that will be inserted in the index. This should
226            match the dimension of the embeddings you will be inserting. For example, if you are using
227            OpenAI's CLIP model, you should use `dimension=1536`.
228        :type dimension: int
229        :param metric: Type of metric used in the vector index when querying, one of `{"cosine", "dotproduct", "euclidean"}`. Defaults to `"cosine"`.
230            Defaults to `"cosine"`.
231        :type metric: str, optional
232        :param spec: A dictionary containing configurations describing how the index should be deployed. For serverless indexes,
233            specify region and cloud. For pod indexes, specify replicas, shards, pods, pod_type, metadata_config, and source_collection.
234        :type spec: Dict
235        :type timeout: int, optional
236        :param timeout: Specify the number of seconds to wait until index gets ready. If None, wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds;
237            if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
239        ### Creating a serverless index
241        ```python
242        import os
243        from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
245        client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
247        client.create_index(
248            name="my_index", 
249            dimension=1536, 
250            metric="cosine", 
251            spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")
252        )
253        ```
255        ### Creating a pod index
257        ```python
258        import os
259        from pinecone import Pinecone, PodSpec
261        client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))
263        client.create_index(
264            name="my_index",
265            dimension=1536,
266            metric="cosine",
267            spec=PodSpec(
268                environment="us-east1-gcp", 
269                pod_type="p1.x1"
270            )
271        )
272        ```
273        """
275        api_instance = self.index_api
277        if isinstance(spec, dict):
278            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec))
279        elif isinstance(spec, ServerlessSpec):
280            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec.asdict()))
281        elif isinstance(spec, PodSpec):
282            api_instance.create_index(create_index_request=CreateIndexRequest(name=name, dimension=dimension, metric=metric, spec=spec.asdict()))
283        else:
284            raise TypeError("spec must be of type dict, ServerlessSpec, or PodSpec")
286        def is_ready():
287            status = self._get_status(name)
288            ready = status["ready"]
289            return ready
291        if timeout == -1:
292            return
293        if timeout is None:
294            while not is_ready():
295                time.sleep(5)
296        else:
297            while (not is_ready()) and timeout >= 0:
298                time.sleep(5)
299                timeout -= 5
300        if timeout and timeout < 0:
301            raise (
302                TimeoutError(
303                    "Please call the describe_index API ({}) to confirm index status.".format(
304                        ""
305                    )
306                )
307            )

Creates a Pinecone index.

  • name: The name of the index to create. Must be unique within your project and cannot be changed once created. Allowed characters are lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens and the name may not begin or end with hyphens. Maximum length is 45 characters.
  • dimension: The dimension of vectors that will be inserted in the index. This should match the dimension of the embeddings you will be inserting. For example, if you are using OpenAI's CLIP model, you should use dimension=1536.
  • metric: Type of metric used in the vector index when querying, one of {"cosine", "dotproduct", "euclidean"}. Defaults to "cosine". Defaults to "cosine".
  • spec: A dictionary containing configurations describing how the index should be deployed. For serverless indexes, specify region and cloud. For pod indexes, specify replicas, shards, pods, pod_type, metadata_config, and source_collection.
  • timeout: Specify the number of seconds to wait until index gets ready. If None, wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds; if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None

Creating a serverless index

import os
from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec

client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))

    spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")

Creating a pod index

import os
from pinecone import Pinecone, PodSpec

client = Pinecone(api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY"))

def delete_index(self, name: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None):
309    def delete_index(self, name: str, timeout: Optional[int] = None):
310        """Deletes a Pinecone index.
312        Deleting an index is an irreversible operation. All data in the index will be lost.
313        When you use this command, a request is sent to the Pinecone control plane to delete 
314        the index, but the termination is not synchronous because resources take a few moments to
315        be released. 
317        You can check the status of the index by calling the `describe_index()` command.
318        With repeated polling of the describe_index command, you will see the index transition to a 
319        `Terminating` state before eventually resulting in a 404 after it has been removed.
321        :param name: the name of the index.
322        :type name: str
323        :param timeout: Number of seconds to poll status checking whether the index has been deleted. If None, 
324            wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds;
325            if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
326        :type timeout: int, optional
327        """
328        api_instance = self.index_api
329        api_instance.delete_index(name)
330        self.index_host_store.delete_host(self.config, name)
332        def get_remaining():
333            return name in self.list_indexes().names()
335        if timeout == -1:
336            return
338        if timeout is None:
339            while get_remaining():
340                time.sleep(5)
341        else:
342            while get_remaining() and timeout >= 0:
343                time.sleep(5)
344                timeout -= 5
345        if timeout and timeout < 0:
346            raise (
347                TimeoutError(
348                    "Please call the list_indexes API ({}) to confirm if index is deleted".format(
349                        ""
350                    )
351                )
352            )

Deletes a Pinecone index.

Deleting an index is an irreversible operation. All data in the index will be lost. When you use this command, a request is sent to the Pinecone control plane to delete the index, but the termination is not synchronous because resources take a few moments to be released.

You can check the status of the index by calling the describe_index() command. With repeated polling of the describe_index command, you will see the index transition to a Terminating state before eventually resulting in a 404 after it has been removed.

  • name: the name of the index.
  • timeout: Number of seconds to poll status checking whether the index has been deleted. If None, wait indefinitely; if >=0, time out after this many seconds; if -1, return immediately and do not wait. Default: None
def list_indexes(self) -> pinecone.models.index_list.IndexList:
354    def list_indexes(self) -> IndexList:
355        """Lists all indexes.
357        The results include a description of all indexes in your project, including the 
358        index name, dimension, metric, status, and spec.
360        :return: Returns an `IndexList` object, which is iterable and contains a 
361            list of `IndexDescription` objects. It also has a convenience method `names()`
362            which returns a list of index names.
364        ```python
365        from pinecone import Pinecone
367        client = Pinecone()
369        index_name = "my_index"
370        if index_name not in client.list_indexes().names():
371            print("Index does not exist, creating...")
372            client.create_index(
373                name=index_name,
374                dimension=768,
375                metric="cosine",
376                spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")
377            )
378        ```
380        You can also use the `list_indexes()` method to iterate over all indexes in your project
381        and get other information besides just names.
383        ```python
384        from pinecone import Pinecone
386        client = Pinecone()
388        for index in client.list_indexes():
389            print(
390            print(index.dimension)
391            print(index.metric)
392            print(index.status)
393            print(
394            print(index.spec)
395        ```
397        """
398        response = self.index_api.list_indexes()
399        return IndexList(response)

Lists all indexes.

The results include a description of all indexes in your project, including the index name, dimension, metric, status, and spec.


Returns an IndexList object, which is iterable and contains a list of IndexDescription objects. It also has a convenience method names() which returns a list of index names.

from pinecone import Pinecone

client = Pinecone()

index_name = "my_index"
if index_name not in client.list_indexes().names():
    print("Index does not exist, creating...")
        spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud="aws", region="us-west-2")

You can also use the list_indexes() method to iterate over all indexes in your project and get other information besides just names.

from pinecone import Pinecone

client = Pinecone()

for index in client.list_indexes():
def describe_index(self, name: str):
401    def describe_index(self, name: str):
402        """Describes a Pinecone index.
404        :param name: the name of the index to describe.
405        :return: Returns an `IndexDescription` object
406        which gives access to properties such as the 
407        index name, dimension, metric, host url, status, 
408        and spec.
410        ### Getting your index host url
412        In a real production situation, you probably want to
413        store the host url in an environment variable so you
414        don't have to call describe_index and re-fetch it 
415        every time you want to use the index. But this example
416        shows how to get the value from the API using describe_index.
418        ```python
419        from pinecone import Pinecone, Index
421        client = Pinecone()
423        description = client.describe_index("my_index")
425        host =
426        print(f"Your index is hosted at {}")
428        index = client.Index(name="my_index", host=host)
429        index.upsert(vectors=[...])
430        ```
431        """
432        api_instance = self.index_api
433        description = api_instance.describe_index(name)
434        host =
435        self.index_host_store.set_host(self.config, name, host)
437        return description

Describes a Pinecone index.

  • name: the name of the index to describe.

Returns an IndexDescription object which gives access to properties such as the index name, dimension, metric, host url, status, and spec.

Getting your index host url

In a real production situation, you probably want to store the host url in an environment variable so you don't have to call describe_index and re-fetch it every time you want to use the index. But this example shows how to get the value from the API using describe_index.

from pinecone import Pinecone, Index

client = Pinecone()

description = client.describe_index("my_index")

host =
print(f"Your index is hosted at {}")

index = client.Index(name="my_index", host=host)
def configure_index( self, name: str, replicas: Optional[int] = None, pod_type: Optional[str] = None):
439    def configure_index(self, name: str, replicas: Optional[int] = None, pod_type: Optional[str] = None):
440        """This method is used to scale configuration fields for your pod-based Pinecone index. 
442        :param: name: the name of the Index
443        :param: replicas: the desired number of replicas, lowest value is 0.
444        :param: pod_type: the new pod_type for the index. To learn more about the
445            available pod types, please see [Understanding Indexes](
448        ```python
449        from pinecone import Pinecone
451        client = Pinecone()
453        # Make a configuration change
454        client.configure_index(name="my_index", replicas=4)
456        # Call describe_index to see the index status as the 
457        # change is applied.
458        client.describe_index("my_index")
459        ```
461        """
462        api_instance = self.index_api
463        config_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
464        if pod_type:
465            config_args.update(pod_type=pod_type)
466        if replicas:
467            config_args.update(replicas=replicas)
468        configure_index_request = ConfigureIndexRequest(
469            spec=ConfigureIndexRequestSpec(
470                pod=ConfigureIndexRequestSpecPod(**config_args)
471            )
472        )
473        api_instance.configure_index(name, configure_index_request=configure_index_request)

This method is used to scale configuration fields for your pod-based Pinecone index.

  • name: the name of the Index
  • replicas: the desired number of replicas, lowest value is 0.
  • pod_type: the new pod_type for the index. To learn more about the available pod types, please see">Understanding Indexes
from pinecone import Pinecone

client = Pinecone()

# Make a configuration change
client.configure_index(name="my_index", replicas=4)

# Call describe_index to see the index status as the 
# change is applied.
def create_collection(self, name: str, source: str):
475    def create_collection(self, name: str, source: str):
476        """Create a collection from a pod-based index
478        :param name: Name of the collection
479        :param source: Name of the source index
480        """
481        api_instance = self.index_api
482        api_instance.create_collection(create_collection_request=CreateCollectionRequest(name=name, source=source))

Create a collection from a pod-based index

  • name: Name of the collection
  • source: Name of the source index
def list_collections(self) -> pinecone.models.collection_list.CollectionList:
484    def list_collections(self) -> CollectionList:
485        """List all collections
487        ```python
488        from pinecone import Pinecone
490        client = Pinecone()
492        for collection in client.list_collections():
493            print(
494            print(collection.source)
496        # You can also iterate specifically over the collection
497        # names with the .names() helper.
498        collection_name="my_collection"
499        for collection_name in client.list_collections().names():
500            print(collection_name)
501        ```
502        """
503        api_instance = self.index_api
504        response = api_instance.list_collections()
505        return CollectionList(response)

List all collections

from pinecone import Pinecone

client = Pinecone()

for collection in client.list_collections():

# You can also iterate specifically over the collection
# names with the .names() helper.
for collection_name in client.list_collections().names():
def delete_collection(self, name: str):
507    def delete_collection(self, name: str):
508        """Deletes a collection.
510        :param: name: The name of the collection
512        Deleting a collection is an irreversible operation. All data 
513        in the collection will be lost.
515        This method tells Pinecone you would like to delete a collection,
516        but it takes a few moments to complete the operation. Use the 
517        `describe_collection()` method to confirm that the collection 
518        has been deleted.
519        """
520        api_instance = self.index_api
521        api_instance.delete_collection(name)

Deletes a collection.

  • name: The name of the collection

Deleting a collection is an irreversible operation. All data in the collection will be lost.

This method tells Pinecone you would like to delete a collection, but it takes a few moments to complete the operation. Use the describe_collection() method to confirm that the collection has been deleted.

def describe_collection(self, name: str):
523    def describe_collection(self, name: str):
524        """Describes a collection.
525        :param: The name of the collection
526        :return: Description of the collection
528        ```python
529        from pinecone import Pinecone
531        client = Pinecone()
533        description = client.describe_collection("my_collection")
534        print(
535        print(description.source)
536        print(description.status)
537        print(description.size)
538        print(description.)
539        ```
540        """
541        api_instance = self.index_api
542        return api_instance.describe_collection(name).to_dict()

Describes a collection.

  • The name of the collection

Description of the collection

from pinecone import Pinecone

client = Pinecone()

description = client.describe_collection("my_collection")
def Index(self, name: str = '', host: str = '', **kwargs):
550    def Index(self, name: str = '', host: str = '', **kwargs):
551        """
552        Target an index for data operations.
554        ### Target an index by host url
556        In production situations, you want to uspert or query your data as quickly
557        as possible. If you know in advance the host url of your index, you can
558        eliminate a round trip to the Pinecone control plane by specifying the 
559        host of the index.
561        ```python
562        import os
563        from pinecone import Pinecone
565        api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
566        index_host = os.environ.get("PINECONE_INDEX_HOST")
568        pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
569        index = pc.Index(host=index_host)
571        # Now you're ready to perform data operations
572        index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)
573        ```
575        To find your host url, you can use the Pinecone control plane to describe
576        the index. The host url is returned in the response. Or, alternatively, the
577        host is displayed in the Pinecone web console.
579        ```python
580        import os
581        from pinecone import Pinecone
583        pc = Pinecone(
584            api_key=os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
585        )
587        host = pc.describe_index('index-name').host
588        ```
590        ### Target an index by name (not recommended for production)
592        For more casual usage, such as when you are playing and exploring with Pinecone
593        in a notebook setting, you can also target an index by name. If you use this
594        approach, the client may need to perform an extra call to the Pinecone control 
595        plane to get the host url on your behalf to get the index host.
597        The client will cache the index host for future use whenever it is seen, so you 
598        will only incur the overhead of only one call. But this approach is not 
599        recommended for production usage.
601        ```python
602        import os
603        from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
605        api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
607        pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
608        pc.create_index(
609            name='my-index',
610            dimension=1536,
611            metric='cosine',
612            spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud='aws', region='us-west-2')
613        )
614        index = pc.Index('my-index')
616        # Now you're ready to perform data operations
617        index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)
618        ```
619        """
620        if name == '' and host == '':
621            raise ValueError("Either name or host must be specified")
623        pt = kwargs.pop('pool_threads', None) or self.pool_threads
624        api_key = self.config.api_key
625        openapi_config = self.openapi_config
627        if host != '':
628            # Use host url if it is provided
629            index_host=normalize_host(host)
630        else:
631            # Otherwise, get host url from describe_index using the index name
632            index_host = self.index_host_store.get_host(self.index_api, self.config, name)
634        return Index(
635            host=index_host,
636            api_key=api_key,
637            pool_threads=pt,
638            openapi_config=openapi_config,
639            source_tag=self.config.source_tag,
640            **kwargs
641        )

Target an index for data operations.

Target an index by host url

In production situations, you want to uspert or query your data as quickly as possible. If you know in advance the host url of your index, you can eliminate a round trip to the Pinecone control plane by specifying the host of the index.

import os
from pinecone import Pinecone

api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")
index_host = os.environ.get("PINECONE_INDEX_HOST")

pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
index = pc.Index(host=index_host)

# Now you're ready to perform data operations
index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)

To find your host url, you can use the Pinecone control plane to describe the index. The host url is returned in the response. Or, alternatively, the host is displayed in the Pinecone web console.

import os
from pinecone import Pinecone

pc = Pinecone(

host = pc.describe_index('index-name').host

For more casual usage, such as when you are playing and exploring with Pinecone in a notebook setting, you can also target an index by name. If you use this approach, the client may need to perform an extra call to the Pinecone control plane to get the host url on your behalf to get the index host.

The client will cache the index host for future use whenever it is seen, so you will only incur the overhead of only one call. But this approach is not recommended for production usage.

import os
from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec

api_key = os.environ.get("PINECONE_API_KEY")

pc = Pinecone(api_key=api_key)
    spec=ServerlessSpec(cloud='aws', region='us-west-2')
index = pc.Index('my-index')

# Now you're ready to perform data operations
index.query(vector=[...], top_k=10)