Type alias PineconeConfiguration

PineconeConfiguration: {
    additionalHeaders?: HTTPHeaders;
    apiKey: string;
    assistantRegion?: string;
    controllerHostUrl?: string;
    fetchApi?: FetchAPI;
    maxRetries?: number;
    sourceTag?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional additionalHeaders?: HTTPHeaders

    Optional headers to be included in all requests.

  • apiKey: string

    The API key for your Pinecone project. You can find this in the Pinecone console.

  • Optional assistantRegion?: string

    Optional configuration field for specifying a region to use with the assistant APIs. If not specified, the default region of "us" is used.

  • Optional controllerHostUrl?: string

    Optional configuration field for specifying the controller host. If not specified, the client will use the default controller host: https://api.pinecone.io.

  • Optional fetchApi?: FetchAPI

    Optional configuration field for specifying the fetch implementation. If not specified, the client will look for fetch in the global scope.

  • Optional maxRetries?: number

    Optional configuration field for specifying the maximum number of retries for a request. Defaults to 3.

  • Optional sourceTag?: string

    Optional sourceTag that is applied to the User-Agent header with all requests.